Gratis Bücher Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect and Happiness, by Karen Rauch Carter
Gratis Bücher Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect and Happiness, by Karen Rauch Carter
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Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect and Happiness, by Karen Rauch Carter

Gratis Bücher Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect and Happiness, by Karen Rauch Carter
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Professor Lin Yun World's Foremost Black Hat-Style Feng Shui Authority This book is a page-turner and one that cannot be put down until the last page is read. It offers vibrant new directions to those who are lost in life; it is an oasis in the desert.Denise Linn author of Sacred Space With wisdom and humor, Karen Rauch Carter has taken the best-kept secrets of feng shui and made them accessible for everyone. Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life is funky, fun, and filled with practical information to create harmony and balance in life.Denny Fairchild author of Healing Homes Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life is home improvement, entertaining, educational hilarity that will have you smiling while scrubbing and glowing in the feng shui flow. Martha Stewart, move over. Cuddle up and declutter with Karen.
Applying the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui to modern life, the author reveals how carefully arranging items in the home can lead to remarkable results in love, career, and personal happiness.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 240 Seiten
Verlag: Atria Books (6. Januar 2000)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0684866048
ISBN-13: 978-0684866048
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 1,5 x 21,4 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
19 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 11.999 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Warum gibt es dieses beste aller Feng-Shui-Bücher nicht auf Deutsch? Vermutlich weil wir Deutschen immer alles auf Glanzpapier und mit bunten Bildchen wollen. Die schlichte Aufmachung mit viel Text und einigen wenigen Grafiken schreckt einen zuerst ab, bis man dann anfängt das Buch zu lesen. Ich habe in meinem Leben schon einige Feng-Shui-Bücher gelesen, aber noch keines fand ich so nützlich wie dieses.Karen Rauch Carter wählt einen sehr pragmatischen Zugang zum Thema. Ohne uns lange mit Theorien aufzuhalten, erklärt sie auf unterhaltsame Weise jedes der neun Baguas, welche Funktion es hat und wie man die Energien dort am besten stimuliert. Dies macht den Hauptteil des Buches aus. Anschließend wird noch beschrieben, wie man mit problematischen Grundrissen umgeht. Das war es im Großen und Ganzen schon, aber man fühlt sich rundum gut informiert und kann es kaum erwarten, die vielen praktischen Vorschläge in die Tat umzusetzen.
A book I would never lend to someone because it comes in handy all the time and you suddenly have situations where you need to read up on things again and just don't want to miss it. I have read it up and down and if you really want to make a change, then this book will help you on your way. Thanks Karen, never would've found my love for feng shui without your book. Simple, plain and easy to understand.
I have a number of books on Feng Shui, and this is easily the most accessible. It is written clearly, provides concrete examples, and the reasoning behind doing certain things is explained properly. In other books I have on the subject, a lot of time is spent dealing with the more arcane aspects of Feng Shui, which many of us do not need or want.This book is practical and easy to use, and its format allows one to walk around the house carrying it and applying its suggestions without having to take volumnous notes and study for days. If you want to bring order to your life, stimulate the flow of "chi" (energy) through your home, and make it a happier, brighter place (and your life better at the same time), this is the book to help you. It's sort of like "Feng Shui for Dummies", but better. Don't hesitate on this one, buy it!
If you have been frustrated with some of the other books on mastering the concepts of Feng Shui, don't give up. This book by Karen Rauch Carter, a licensed landscape architect as well as a Feng Shui consultant, provides practical applications of the Feng Shui approach to home design along with a humorous writing style that makes this book not only informative and helpful, but a delight to read.The author explains each of the nine guas, or life situations, represented in the home: prosperity, fame and recognition, relationships and love, family, health, creativity and children, skills and knowledge, career and helpful people and travel. By utilizing Feng Shui, you can learn how to best arrange and place various artifacts and possesions throughout the home in a way that will manifest positive results in each of the life situations. Many of us already have some idea about what looks or feels right about how we design our spaces, and the author states that this Chinese wisdom really is just common sense. For example, I already knew that it was not a good idea to house my collection of true crime books on the shelves in my meditation room!Carter also provides some real life examples of how our surroundings influence what happens in our lives. She describes how some single women are frustrated in their inability to attract love in their lives. In viewing their homes, she finds the rooms are adorned by paintings, photographs and other items that represent women alone. The solution? Replace these with things in pairs, items that represent love and partnership.She discusses the symbolism of shapes, colors, images and how they affect our behavior and lifestyles. Our homes truly are an accurate reflection of what is going on inside ourselves. A home that is full of chaos and disrepair is generally a sign of a person in conflict and ill health.The author also gives insights on how to arrange a work space and using the nine guas to best arrange items on your desk for the best results.To a skeptic, this might seem like a lot of new age mumbo jumbo, but from personal experience, I've had quite positive results by applying these principles. Trust in it and it will work.As a self-confessed pack rat who undertakes a major home overhaul about every seven years, I found this book highly motivational and inspiring as I began my latest home makeover. With this book to guide me, I've been able to move my belongings to more appropriate locations within my home, make the best use of color and placement, and most of all, live life with more purpose and joy because my surroundings now help contribute to my contentment and serenity.
This is, hands-down, my favorite feng shui book. I really took to the idea of "move your stuff, change your life" because now, as I look around the warehouse that I call my apartment, I realize how haphazardly I (ahem) decorated. In fact, most of what I've done in my apartment was pretty unconscious. Now I'm redecorating consciously. What I choose to put in the east corner or the southwest corner is deliberate, based on what "gua" or "area of life" that area represents. Ms. Carter is about as clear and helpful as any feng shui author I've read. Her writing is breezy and light and everything is clearly expressed and conveyed. I have a notebook full of notes. Right now I have such a messy and small apartment that only time will tell if feng shui has actually "worked" for me (or if I've done it correctly!). The thing is that even with the few things that I've moved around or cleared away, I can already feel how "right" the decorations fit with that part of the room. All in all, this is my favorite feng shui book and this is the one that I would buy as a gift for friends who wanted to get started in redecorating according to the feng shui philosophy. To Ms. Carter I would like to say, thank you and let's hope you're writing another feng shui book!
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