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PDF Ebook The Miseducation of Cameron Post

Langeweile des Lesens Veröffentlichung genau wird von einigen Individuen gefühlt, außerdem diejenigen, die nicht gern diese Tätigkeit sind. Allerdings wird es sicherlich noch schlimmer von ihrem Zustand machen. Eine der Art und Weise ins, die Sie erhalten können, ist durch das Lesen zu starten. Einfaches sowie sehr einfach Buch kann das Produkt sein und auch für den Anfänger beziehen. Als diese Publikation könnten nehmen Sie The Miseducation Of Cameron Post als motivierende Lektüre Produkt sowohl für Anfänger als auch Leseliebhaber. Es werden die Möglichkeiten der Pflege Bücher wachsenden zusätzlichen verstehen.

The Miseducation of Cameron Post

The Miseducation of Cameron Post

The Miseducation of Cameron Post

PDF Ebook The Miseducation of Cameron Post

Betrachten wir ein ausgezeichnetes Buch, erinnern wir in Bezug auf The Miseducation Of Cameron Post Dies ist nicht ein brandneues neuestes Buch, aber dieses Buch hält immer im Auge ständig. Viele Menschen sind so angenehm für das von einem bekannten Autor verfasst. Wenn Sie diesen Vorteil in einigen Geschäften erwerben möchten, können Sie es nicht finden. Ja, es ist zur Zeit beschränkt, wahrscheinlich oder es ist immer ausverkauft. Aber hier, nicht die Mühe mit ihm! Man könnte es jederzeit bekommen Sie so gut wie jeden Wunsch wo Sie sind.

The Miseducation of Cameron Post


A beautiful read for a long summer holiday, and a much needed portrayal of lives so seldom seen in YA (Shiftworker Shift 2018-02-14)Review of the film: A lot of times when a movie is called "important" it's hiding the fact that it is boring or dated or loaded with fake drama. Not here. The Miseducation of Cameron Post will be a panacea for gay kids for years to come, so for that our prayers have been answered. (Jordan Hoffman Guardian)

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

emily was born and raised in Miles City, Montana, a town best known for its Bucking Horse Sale-which was once listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for hosting the most intoxicated people, per capita, of any US event. She obsessively collects erasers, large-letter linen postcards from the 1940s, snow-globes, and neologisms. (She has an iced-coffee addiction, too.)emily has an MFA in Fiction from the University of Montana and a Ph.D in English-Creative Writing from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her short fiction has won the International Queer Writing Award. She now teaches creative writing and literature courses at Rhode Island College in Providence


Taschenbuch: 480 Seiten

Verlag: Penguin (3. August 2017)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0141389168

ISBN-13: 978-0141389165

Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 12 - 17 Jahre

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

12,9 x 2,9 x 19,8 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.6 von 5 Sternen

4 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 100.780 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

complete review: Blogspot: isabellsbooks.Instagram: isleepnakedMY OPINION/THOUGHTS ON THE BOOKUpcoming Movie adaption talkThis book has been featured in most LGBTQ* book recommendation lists I've read or seen so it's been on my mind for quite a while already. There are far less LGBTQ* books featuring stories about queer girls/women than there are about queer boys/men and so I definitely wanted to read this book which features a queer teenage girl. Before I read this book I knew two things about it - that it's about a queer girl and one other thing that made me struggle with wanting to read it. I'm not going to mention this other thing because it isn't mentioned on the back of the book and it also takes the book about 250 of its almost 500 pages to get to that point. So I would say that the book is definitely not only about that. When you hear anyone talking about the book or when you watch the trailer for the movie starring Chloe Grace Moretz, this one thing is basically the only thing that gets talked about when mentioning this story - and after reading this book I'm actually quite sad that that is the case because I'd say that I enjoyed the first half of the book more than the second half and from what the movie trailer shows, the movie seems to heavily focus on the second part. Now, if you want to know what I'm trying to not talk about here, than just watch the movie trailer and you'll spoil yourself for the second half of the book but probably not really for the movie. I mean I guess when you have to squeeze an almost 500 pages book into a 2 hour movie you have to put more focus on the second part but I'm not too sure what to think of a movie only focusing on that - so I hope the movie will surprise me positively after all.So the upcoming movie was also the reason why I now finally decided to read this book - because I always like to read the book before the movie if I plan on watching the movie.But enough talk about that movie adaption - let's talk about the book and my reading experience.My reading experienceSo, as I've said many times before, I'm a sucker for short chapters in a book. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case at all with this book. Its chapters were insanely long and since I always like to peek at the chapter's end and how long it will take me to get there, the fact that the chapters were always 20 to 30 pages long was quite daunting. BUT I still managed to finish the book in quite a short time concerning this fact which was thanks to the writing style. I really enjoyed the storytelling of this book. Although there were some passages in it that felt a bit unnecessary and too rambled - overall I could really sink into the story and enjoyed reading it.Even though the book plays over a long time and includes different seasons, it definitely had a summery-feeling about it that I really enjoyed since I read it during the hottest days of the year and since I always like it when a book feels quite fitting to the time of the year that I'm reading it in. Cameron spent a lot of time outside, described the feeling of summer in detail and also went swimming quite often - and swimming was also a factor that was important throughout the entire book. That's also why I loved the first half of the book more than the second half because the first half really felt like that summer dizziness when it feels like the hot days are never ending and you just enjoy every bit of it.The book started with the main character, Cameron, and her best friend, Irene, being very young - 11 years only. This felt a bit strange to me at first because I thought that I was way too old to be reading about a story about such young kids - but then I thought that I also adore Harry Potter and that he's also only 10 at the beginning of the first book and then I also remembered what I was like when I was 11 years old and that I was actually not that different to Cameron at that age.Still, I was glad that the book is set over a great period of time in Cameron's life and that she doesn't stay that young throughout the whole story.I found Cameron to be a very fascinating character and liked her - although I also felt like I never got to fully know her throughout the book. It always felt like she still had a wall up and didn't even let the reader in on all of her thoughts. But that also made her interesting and complex and layered which are characteristics that I always like in a book character.Cameron had different passions, next to her swimming hobby, that I found really interesting and enjoyed reading about a lot. For once there was her doll house that was beautifully described and that made me wish I still had my doll house in my room. I loved that the doll house played a small but important role throughout the whole book and I really hope that it will appear in the movie aswell.And Cameron also had a movie obsession and a lot of enthusiasm for movies in general. Sadly, since Cameron's story is set in the past, I didn't know all the movies that she mentioned and have only seen very few of them, but I still really enjoyed her love for films and what she took from them and the way that she educated herself through them. I could relate a lot to her in that aspect because I also used to do that a lot and I guess I still do.Cameron's closest relationship was probably with her grandma and it was really lovely to see that. They had a beautiful dynamic and I wish that there had been even more scenes between the two in the book and I really hope that the movie will manage to portray this bond in a great way aswell.When I read an LGBTQ* book, I expect that it delivers queerness and I was very satisfied that THE MISEDUCATION OF CAMERON POST did that right from the beginning. I was actually quite surprised that the book, since it is set in the past, had characters in it that talked very openly about gayness and in a way that a conversation might happen today aswell. I really enjoyed that Cameron got a friend that acted as her "gay mentor" and educated Cameron on queer culture.CONCLUSIONSo, overall I definitely enjoyed this book. I really liked its storytelling, found its main character Cameron to be very interesting, fascinating and layered and was also quite satisfied with the amount of LGBTQ* content in it.I watched the movie trailer after I've finished the book because I didn't want to have faces for the characters in my head and know as little of the story as possible beforehand. And although I knew while reading it that Chloe Grace Moretz would play Cameron, I didn't really picture Cameron with her face while reading it.Now that I've watched the trailer I must say that I'm not too excited about the movie because it seems to mainly focus on the second half of the book and I think that that does the book injustice because it's much more than that. But trailers can also deceive, so I hope that the movie will still surprise me in a positive way.RATINGI enjoyed the book and am glad that I read it but I didn't love it and it frustrated me a bit that I felt like I never got to fully know Cameron.

Cameron Posts Geschichte, die sich über ihre frühen Teenager Jahre spannt, ist so großartig erzählt, daß ich sie nur kurz zum Schlafen aus der Hand legen konnte. Obwohl es letztlich gar nicht so ungewöhnlich ist, was passiert, so ist ihre Art des Umgangs damit und ihre Reflektion, an der sie die Leser teilhaben lässt, umso spannender und bemerkenswerter. Die Autorin schafft es von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite, keine eindimensionalen Charaktere einzubauen oder Klischees zu bedienen. Es bleiben Fragen und Handlungsstränge offen, ja, aber das gehört sich auch so, da wir ja nur einen kurzen Auszug aus Camerons Leben begleiten.Die Beschreibungen der Born-Again-Christians ist zwar extrem beklemmend, aber auch nicht so ausschließlich schwarz-weiß dargestellt, wie ich es anderswo schon gelesen habe und in diesen Fällen immer unrealistisch fand.Inhaltlich sowohl sprachlich absolut überzeugend - ich habe das Gefühl, Cameron sei wirklich eine Person, die es gibt und die ich kenne - und auch ihre Freunde, obwohl sie Camerons Leben zum Teil sehr drastisch und vermeintlich negativ beeinflussen, sind durchaus tiefschichtig erfasst und haben sicher ihre eigene, erzählenswerte Geschichte, auch wenn es hier nicht primär um sie geht. Man möchte sie manchmal hassen oder zumindest verurteilen, für das, was sie tun, aber es gelingt nicht ganz, weil man weiß, auch da steckt etwas dahinter, auch ihre Leben sind noch nicht abgeschlossen, unveränderbar....Gäbe es eine Fortsetzung, ich würde sie sofort bestellen - aber auch so ist es ein Buch, das ich sicher nicht nur einmal lesen werde.

Die Spannungsbögen sind gut und ausgewogen über das ganze Buch verteilt, die Charatere sind authentisch und interessant, die Sprache ist einwandfrei gewählt und trotzdem sehr gut zugänglich und nicht ermüdend (wenn man Englisch kann). Das Setting unterstützt den dabei Plot hervorragend.Die Geschichte, die aus der Perspektive der heranwachsenden Protagonistin Cameron Post erzählt wird, ist kreativ und intelligent aufgebaut und alle Wendungen und Höhepunkte sind gut in den Handlungsrahmen eingebettet. Das Innenleben der Protagonistin wird bewegend und schlüssig dargestellt und verleiht dem Buch das gewisse Etwas. Trotz der coming-of-age/Homosexualität-Thematik fehlt es auch an Humor kein Stückchen.Daher: uneingeschränkte Lektüreempfehlung meinerseits! Enjoy!

I‘ll give it a 4.5 because I feel like the book didn‘t close all plot strands.But nevertheless: It definitely turned to one of my favorite books ever! I love the way the author describes things, even the smallest details. It makes everything so authentic and real.It‘s incredible how she‘s able to create such intense feelings in me only through words. Feelings like excitement, happiness, anger and so many things more!

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